Friday, April 15, 2011

How to declare browsers in Selenium

Following are the Supported browsers of Selenium

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome

Firefox browser declaration itself is of 7 different types , firefox , chrome , firefox2, firefox3,firefoxproxy, firefoxchrome and pifirefox . There is no much difference in using firefox, chrome , firefoxchrome ,firefox2 and firefox3 . All these have a common functionality .

firefox -FirefoxLauncher
chrome - FirefoxChromeLauncher
firefoxchrome - FirefoxChromeLauncher
firefox2 - Firefox2Launcher
firefox3 - Firefox3Launcher
firefoxproxy - FirefoxCustomProfileLauncher
pifirefox = ProxyInjectionFirefoxCustomProfileLauncher

iexploreproxy = InternetExplorerCustomProxyLauncher
iehta = HTABrowserLauncher
iexplore = InternetExplorerLauncher
piiexplore = ProxyInjectionInternetExplorerCustomProxyLauncher

opera = OperaCustomProfileLauncher

safari = SafariLauncher
safariproxy = SafariCustomProfileLauncher

konqueror = KonquerorLauncher
mock = MockBrowserLauncher
googlechrome = GoogleChromeLauncher

Iexplore,Chrome are for basic IE launchers .

Firefox , firefox2 , firefox3 ,firefoxchrome are basic for Firerox .Where firefox2 and firefox3 are specific for Firefox versions 2 and 3 respectively.

iexploreproxy , firefoxproxy and safariproxy are launchers for IE , Firefox and Safari under proxy injection mode In proxy injection mode, the selenium server is a proxy for all traffic from the browser, not just traffic going to selenium-server URLs. The incoming HTML is modified to include selenium's JavaScript, which then controls the test page from within

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